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Items of Interest
A method for using waste hemlock tan-bark partially to replace expensive rag stock in the manufacture of felt roofing has been developed at the Forest Products Laboratory at Madison, Wis., and is now being used commercially by cooperating mills. In these mills waste bark is replacing from 20 to 30 per cent of the rags, and the quality of the finished product is equal to that manufactured solely from rags. According to the census of 1909, over 698,000 tons of hemlock bark were produced each year in the United States. After the tannin is extracted this bark is used for fuel purposes, for which it is said to have a value of 60 cents a ton. The roofing mills of the United States have a total estimated annual production of 237,000 tons of finished roofing of all kinds. In addition to the use of the bark for roofing, papers made at the laboratory on the basis of 80 per cent of waste tan-bark have been successfully printed on a commercial twelve color wall paper printing machine, and give promise of being entirely satisfactory. Other paper of the same make-up has been made into fiber conduits by a commercial manufacturer. Other possible uses of waste bark which suggest themselves, say the forest service paper experts, are to use the bark mixed with ground wood for the production of wall board, or with sulphite screenings in the manufacture of car liners; and indications are that it may be used for sheathing paper, carpet liners, bottle wrappers, deadening felt, and the like.
The Federal Farm Loan Board has made a tour through twenty-nine of the northern and central states seeking information for its guidance in dividing the country into twelve farm loan districts and designating the sites of the twelve farm loan banks authorized under the new rural credits law. A similar trip will be taken soon through other states in the South and Southwest. It is expected that the plan of putting the banks into operation before Feb. 1, 1917, will be carried out. "In several states," according to a statement of the board, "it was called to their attention that joint land stock banks were being organized by questionable means by stock sales or promoters. Farmers are advised that there is no necessity for subscribing to the stock of any private corporation for the purpose of securing such a loan. No joint stock land banks can be organized under the Federal act except with the approval of the Federal Farm Loan Board."
The Kansas Council of Women has completed its legislative program and is now at work drafting the bills it hopes to have enacted into law by the legislature to be chosen Nov. 7, The Council of Women is made up of delegates representing the Federation, Good Citizenship League, and the district organizations of clubs. The program proposes a detention home for women of mature age sentenced to the state penitentiary; an extension of the powers of the industrial welfare commission to regulate the hours of labor and the wages of women workers; amendments to the mothers' pension law to make it compulsory for every county and extending its scope; a contest against the repeal of the motion picture censorship.
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October 28, 1916 issue
View Issue-
Principle as Understood in Christian Science
Spiritual Baptism
Who Is Ready?
Mountain Lessons
Stilling of the Tempest
The fact that Christian Science is becoming known and...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
The writer in the column entitled "What the Doctor...
Charles M. Shaw
"Be of good courage"
Archibald McLellan
The Tempter Exposed
William D. McCrackan
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from Sarah W. Taylor, Don P. Halsey, O. E. Olin, John R. Brownell
Seventeen years ago, while living in my native state, Maine,...
Albert F. Gilmore
My healing in Christian Science occurred nine years ago
Nellie Howard-Keeling
Words are inadequate fully to express the joy that one...
Arthur R. Mutton
Six years ago I was in a wretched physical condition,...
Jeannette E. Boehm
Through the reading of a testimony in a copy of the...
George Tugwell
When I took leave of my friends in Germany a few years...
Margarete Kotzenberg
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Edward Payson Drew, Herbert Ford, Charles F. Aked