A method for using waste hemlock tan-bark partially to replace expensive rag stock in the manufacture of felt roofing has been developed at the Forest Products Laboratory at Madison, Wis.
Jesus said to Nicodemus, "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God," he was referring to the necessary stages of conversion or regeneration which typify the salvation of mankind from worldliness, from the illusions of life and sensation in matter, to godliness, the spiritual attainment of conscious harmony, immortality, health, and love, the reign of heaven within us.
Christian Science, God, divine Life, Truth, and Love, is understood as the basis of being, and generic man, including the universe, is recognized as the full reflection, expression, or manifestation of God.
the traveler's eyes are lifted up to the great continental divide, he sees towering in all its grandeur that ridge of the Rocky Mountains on whose western slope the rain that falls runs to the quiet Pacific, while that which waters the eastern slope flows into the storm-tossed Atlantic.
The fact that Christian Science is becoming known and accepted by intelligent persons, while it is still the object of disrespectful allusions by others who are not so well informed, was illustrated in a recent number of the Musical Courier.
It is not a pleasant thing to make an apology, but we believe it is due to our readers to make one for our negligence in permitting the publication, in a recent issue, of certain portions of Doctor —'s sermon, wherein he continued his attack on Christian Science.
The writer in the column entitled "What the Doctor Says" associated Christian Science with faith-healing and mental healing, and described all these as variations of what he calls "the same fundamental principle.
In a recent address an evangelist made the following statement, referring to Christian Science: "It was known in the days of John the apostle as Gnosticism.
the second epistle to Timothy it is written, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind;" and in Psalms we read, "Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart.
Seventeen years ago, while living in my native state, Maine, I became ill with anemia and extreme nervousness, which medicine did not seem to relieve even in the slightest degree.
Six years ago I was in a wretched physical condition, having had almost every law of materia medica laid upon me, and was told that the only hope of prolonging my life was a surgical operation, to which I submitted, only to find myself worse than before.
In grateful appreciation of the truth that has been the only physician for myself and my family of six children for over twelve years, I desire to offer the following testimony.
Through the reading of a testimony in a copy of the Sentinel which was mailed to me by a friend about five years ago, I was induced to try Christian Science as a cure for a painful and, according to the doctors, dangerous stomach and bowel disorder.
When I took leave of my friends in Germany a few years ago, shortly before coming to America, they said to me, "Mind you do not join the faith-curists," meaning the Christian Scientists, and I laughingly replied: "Why no, why should I?
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