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Items of Interest
A plan to develop 2,000,000 electric horsepower by damming the lower Niagara river just above Queenston, Ontario, and Lewiston, N. Y., is reported to have been presented to the New York state authorities by the same man who introduced the original power development bill in the New York state legislature in 1886. The proposal calls for the expenditure of $100,000,000, which would cover the damages to the Gorge route. The dam would be ninety feet high. The Whirlpool rapids would be done away with. The drop of the river from the falls to Lewiston is one hundred feet. The waters of the river would be impounded back to within a mile of the falls. The falls would not be damaged, and the creation of the new falls at Queenston would compensate, it is claimed, for the loss of the rapids. One million horse-power would go to New York and a like amount to Ontario. By taxing the companies five dollars per horse-power, $5,000,000 would be derived by each government.
The historic edifice in New Orleans which has housed the United States mint since 1838 is to be turned over to the city for use as a museum or any other public purpose desired. Since 1911 there has been no coinage conducted in New Orleans, but the mint building has been used as an assay office. Its vaults continue to be used to store $22,000,000 in silver dollars against which silver certificates have been issued. The mint was established by an act of Congress March 3, 1835, and the site was donated by the city of New Orleans. The present building was completed in 1838 at an original cost of $182,000. The dimensions of the structure are 282 by 108 feet.
It is pointed out by the United States government that the opening of the new naval radio station at Darien, on the Canal Zone, does not add to the facilities for the transmission of commercial messages. The new station will be used exclusively for government business. Primarily it will be used as a means of directing operations of various kinds on the Canal Zone and keeping in communication with ships at sea, but it will also be used freely by the department of commerce for the sending of its official messages. Out of a total of forty-seven naval radio stations now in use in various parts of the United States or its possessions, twentyone, it is pointed out, are open to commercial messages, the others being reserved strictly for official business.
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August 21, 1915 issue
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Teaching in the Sunday School
"The great commandment"
Man's Heritage of Joy
Supply Spiritual
Christian Science and the Jew
"Ever with me"
The sermon on "Christian Science and Christian Logic,"...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
A recent issue, reporting the sermon of an evangelist holding...
W. D. Kilpatrick
I would like to state that the object of my letter in...
J. Arnold Haughton
A few days ago an item appeared in your paper which...
Robert S. Ross
A Religion of Work
Archibald McLellan
"Know thyself"
Annie M. Knott
Following the Trail
John B. Willis
The Lectures
with contributions from Francis O. Cass, John E. Lautner, A. P. Sharp, Charles Nickoll, J. A. C. Fraser, C. C. Hearnsberger, John Brown, Alvin Hunsicker
It is now over eight glad years since I first heard of...
Clara E. Snyder
It is with a feeling of deep gratitude for the understanding...
Fannie L. Schulze
Christian Science has cured members of four generations...
Thora B. Buchanan
For some time I have desired to give my testimony of...
Jennie Hardin Disney
In the year 1911 my wife, who had been an invalid for...
George D. Burdett
On Thanksgiving night, 1905, I was at a friend's house,...
Drucilla Hale Collar
It is with a heart filled with gratitude that I wish to testify...
Friedrich Bergmann
Christian Science came into my life at a time of great...
Louisa R. Ford
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from R. J. Campbell, A. B. Curtis