answer to the lawyer who asked him which was "the great commandment in the law," Jesus replied, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
consciousness of the Christian Scientist is like some sweet, still garden, wherein each day is unfolding new blossoms of thought, nourished by the dews of faith, refreshed by the winds of hope, and quickened into life and beauty by the warm sunshine of love.
and wherever I attend a Christian Science service, I find a goodly number of Jews enthusiastically taking part in the services and testifying to the grand verity of this teaching, and I desire to express my profound gratitude for the bringing of so many of these my people into this wonderful truth.
I lay
upon a hillside cold and bare;I had no friends, no home, no means to live,When on my dull ears struck a voice divine,"Son, thou art ever with me; all is thine.
The sermon on "Christian Science and Christian Logic," of which a notice and a report were published in recent issues, presented a curious contrast with Christian logic as found in the New Testament.
A recent issue, reporting the sermon of an evangelist holding meetings in your city, contains a brief reference to Christian Science which may be misleading to your readers, and concerning which I should like to make a correction.
I would like to state that the object of my letter in answer to Doctor—'s criticism of Christian Science was to insist upon the fact that Christian Science is a religion which has a spiritual message for mankind.
Not so very long ago in New York, a Christian Science practitioner, regularly engaged in Christian Science healing, was convicted of accepting fees from his patients, who were glad to pay for his services, and was sentenced to be punished as a criminal.
May I reply briefly to an editorial in which you express the opinion that Christian Scientists should be compelled by law to qualify as medical practitioners before being allowed to practise their religion for the benefit of the sick?
A few days ago an item appeared in your paper which stated that because a resident of Yonkers, who was a Christian Scientist, had died without medical treatment, the coroner was making an investigation.
Master warned his disciples, and through them all mankind, against the dangers of mere profession, saying, "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
with contributions from Francis O. Cass, John E. Lautner, A. P. Sharp, Charles Nickoll, J. A. C. Fraser, C. C. Hearnsberger, John Brown, Alvin Hunsicker
Having received so much benefit from reading the testimonies in the Sentinel and the Journal, I want to show my appreciation of the good received by sending in my own.
It is with a feeling of deep gratitude for the understanding of the Bible which I have gained through reading "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," that this testimony is written.
For some time I have desired to give my testimony of healing, first that God may be glorified and that the great truth which Christ Jesus taught through his life may be demonstrated as the true Principle to live by, and secondly that perchance some one suffering from similar ills may be helped by my experience.
In the year 1911 my wife, who had been an invalid for many years, after exhausting all material means, was healed through Christian Science of what is called a fatal disease.
It is with a heart filled with gratitude that I wish to testify to the help experienced through Christian Science at a time when I seemed in great need.
Christian Science came into my life at a time of great physical need, and by reading the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
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with contributions from Francis O. Cass, John E. Lautner, A. P. Sharp, Charles Nickoll, J. A. C. Fraser, C. C. Hearnsberger, John Brown, Alvin Hunsicker