[Translated from the German]

My family and myself have been studying Christian Science...

My family and myself have been studying Christian Science for the past three years, and during that time have had many proofs of the love and ever-present help of God. I herewith would like to tell of an instance of healing which we have experienced.

A year ago our then eight year old son was taken ill with acute lung trouble and pleurisy. The physician whom we summoned declared it to be a very serious case. After the child had been under Christian Science treatment for a day, the improvement in the boy's condition was surprising. The healing process went on harmoniously, and the little fellow occupied himself all day, and experienced none of the suffering which usually attends such cases. Four weeks after he left his bed, he joined us on a ten hours' tramp on foot through the Harz, a mountainous region, without getting tried.

The remarkable feature in these cases of mental healing is the attendant spiritual progress, and we have observed in the case of our boy that he manifests much greater kindness and greater fearlessness since this experience. It is so beautiful to know how through earnest work we may discard our false beliefs and come to a clearer recognition of reality as in keeping with the nature of God. In order to partake of the blessings of Christian Science it is necessary to keep one's mind always filled with good and healing thoughts. The daily study of the Lesson-Sermon, which has been greatly facilitated by the translation of the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," the weekly meetings and Sunday services, as well as the beautiful articles in the Herold, are a great help thereto, and make us feel very grateful. We thank God for the discovery of Christian Science in this age through Mrs. Eddy, and for the following which its teachings have found throughout the world.

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Testimony of Healing
It is from a heart overflowing with gratitude that I send...
April 3, 1915

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