Plans for leasing hotel sites, camp sites, store sites, and cottage sites located in the Appalachian national forest in Maine and New Hampshire, are being formulated by the forest service, in compliance with a provision in the new agricultural appropriation bill.
our revered Leader ordained the Bible and Science and Health as the pastor of the Christian Science church, she in due time also provided a series of Lesson-Sermons calculated to give to the world, through the light of revelation and reason, a more perfect knowledge of the way of salvation.
The criticisms made by the Bonanza, two years ago, of the Kelliher bill, which failed to pass the Nevada legislature, apply also to the Steele bill, Assembly No.
We hold no brief for the Christian Scientist,—he does not need any defense at our hands; but for the benefit of those who are likely to be misled by the denunciations of bigots and self-appointed religious guardians, we wish to say that the foundation upon which Christian Science is built is the living Jesus Christ and an all-loving God.
In an announcement of a lecture on Emanuel Swedenborg appearing in a recent isue of the Press, the statement is made that "most of the beautiful spiritual concepts found in Mrs.
In an age of skepticism, in its broader sense as "a suspension of judgment pending examination of the evidence of an alleged truth," mankind as a whole has assumed toward all subjects, and particularly the subject of religion, the intelligent attitude of weighing, considering, testing, and proving before passing judgment.
response to the call for contributions for the relief of Christian Scientists in distress by reason of the present war in Europe, the sum of $82,104.
the beginning of the present war, the Christian church has come in for more or less criticism at the hands of the religious press, because the church in the centuries of its existence has failed to put an end to the conditions which have made possible in this twentieth century the most brutal and devastating war in centuries.
After enjoying for seven years the blessings which the study of Christian Science brings, I am at last sending my testimony to the healing efficacy of this teaching.
I write my testimony of what Christian Science has done for me in regard to the tobacco habit, in the hope that it will prove helpful to some one else who wants to be free but cannot see the way, as in my case.
Those who do not understand that all disease or inharmony is mental, say that Christian Science might be good for so-called mental diseases, but in a case of broken bones that it is impossible to effect a cure through other means than those employed by a reputable surgeon of the old school.
My family and myself have been studying Christian Science for the past three years, and during that time have had many proofs of the love and ever-present help of God.
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