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Love's Power
Even after the fashion of this world's thinking, much weight is attached to the redemptive power of love. From time immemorial the mother-love has been exalted because of this power inherent in it. It sees perfection in the child where others see many faults, perhaps. Neighbors and associates may find the little one fretful, annoying, selfish, but somehow the mother clothes her child in garments of perfection which she refuses to discard, let others say what they may. Even in later years this love reaches out to erring sons and misguided daughters, and despite society's frown, and possible enclosing prison walls, it turns on a search-light of goodness that uplifts and redeems.
Churches have long availed themselves of these facts in carrying on their evangelical work. The tender tone of mother-love struck by the pulpit orator has again and again touched some hardened heart and awakened a responsive chord. Society today, as illustrated by its prison-reform work, is beginning to apply the same fundamental appeal to the redemption of the erring. In the middle West, for instance, wardens of state institutions report most gratifying results from probationary work and the use of methods which inspire the prisoner with self-respect and place upon him responsibilities and trusts.
Christian Science goes still farther, and finds in the fact that God is Love, the lever by which the consciousness of men is raised to the truth of being and living is exalted to Christlikeness. It declares that God's creation is perfect, and that to the divine Mind, infinite Love, man as God's likeness never errs and never suffers. This spiritual attitude is directly opposite to material belief. Instead of approaching men with chiding for their misdoings and condemnation for their crimes, Christian Science reaches forth with healing touch and inspiring word, and bids them live their true selves, reflecting divine Love and Truth. "Go, and sin no more," was the Master's admonition, and it is the Christian Science call to take the straight and narrow path that leads to eternal life. It comes not with pleading but with gracious command, imparting the knowledge that man, being spiritually perfect, can reflect none other than divine Love. No time is wasted over past errors in consciousness; no weight is attached to hereditary encumbrances; no power is given to evil of any kind.
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March 20, 1915 issue
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Recognizing One's Enemy
Potency of Truth
Love's Power
Altruism and Healing
Overcoming Error
Our Church Services
Dr.—tells us in the Visalia Times that "spiritual healing...
Thomas F. Watson
Sorrow Vanquished
"Strait is the gate"
Archibald McLellan
"Be thou clean"
John B. Willis
Annie M. Knott
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from C. D. Wright, H. L. Parmenter, William Capell, William E. Morgan, Frederick Wilson
Jesus said: "Whosoever ... shall confess me before men,...
Heinrich Behrens
Our little boy was born in October, 1909, and we are more...
Grace Wilson Stitt
I am indeed grateful for all that Christian Science has...
Harold Hall Daniels
Like the psalmist I would say: "Bless the Lord, O my soul:...
Friedrich Schwalbach
Several years ago I was a great sufferer, and had been for...
Alice Hurlbut Martin
Words cannot express my gratitude for all that Christian Science...
Mettie M. Mangas
For twenty years I suffered from sciatic rheumatism during...
John E. Whilt with contributions from Amanda Whilt, Emery F. Saxton
The Master
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from H. C. Tolman