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In the year 1907 Christian Science literature was brought...
In the year 1907 Christian Science literature was brought into my home, and since that time there have been many proofs that God is a very present help. The truth was vividly presented, when after only one day's illness in December, 1907, I was enabled to continue my duties with but the slightest symptom of weakness, and this ceased the following day. The attack was seemingly a severe one, but through the loving help of a Christian Science practitioner I realized that in God "we live, and move, and have our being." This was a wonderful healing, as the same experience had been passed through before, and had resulted in weeks of prostration while under medical treatment.
Yet another proof of the allness of God was shown in the knowledge that "accidents are unknown to God, or immortal Mind" (Science and Health,p. 424). While trying to reach for something, I fell against the sharp edge of a dresser and struck the side of my face very near the eye. For an instant I was stunned, but soon recovered. I was, however, unable to help myself, so I called on the practitioner again. The pain was great, while the swelling and discoloration were unpleasant to have or to behold. Indeed my family were alarmed at my condition, but in about a week there was nothing left to show that I had ever been hurt.
This is only a minor part of what Christian Science has done for me in the line of physical healing. At numerous other times I have been helped through the realization of the truth as presented by Mrs. Eddy. I am striving to learn more of this truth every day.
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February 6, 1915 issue
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Evil a Deception
"Priests unto God"
Nothing Lost
Testing Times
"They have taken away my Lord"
Yussuf Ben Orem
For ages humanity has accepted evil as a fearful reality,...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
The teachings of the Bible, and especially of the New Testament,...
W. D. Kilpatrick
An article appeared in a recent issue of The lvy Leaf, published...
Thomas F. Watson
It was the beloved John who wrote that God was Spirit
Robert S. Ross
In an issue of recent date there appears a letter from one...
Charles W. J. Tennant
"Chance and change"
Archibald McLellan
Patching versus Purification
John B. Willis
"We would see Jesus"
Annie M. Knott
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from Louis A. Heller, Arthur W. Marriott, William E. Werner, E. R. B. Allardice, Edward Curran, O. N. Verenius, Thomas P. Byrnes
I would like publicly to express my gratitude for all the...
R. H. Wesencraft
The saying, "Man's extremity is God's opportunity," has...
Josephine M. Parizek with contributions from James Parizek
Christian Science found me, about fifteen years ago, weary...
Malvina A. Korten
I am alive today solely through Christian Science
Anton Agsten
It is several years since I learned what Christian Science...
Margaret Brown Baxter
In 1912 my husband had Christian Science treatment for...
Evalina Williams
In the year 1907 Christian Science literature was brought...
Carrie Jewesson
I am sending this testimony in thankfulness to God for the...
Joseph Crewson with contributions from Winifred Crewson
I wish to testify to the goodness of God and to tell something...
J. D. Thatcher with contributions from Lillian I. Simpson
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from George E. Burlingame, Paul Sperry