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The definitions of church and of man as given in Science and Health (pp. 583, 475) are practically interchangeable; also the Scriptural description of man as the image and likeness of God stands good for church, while Paul's thought of church as the "body" whose head is Christ is equally applicable to man. In the definition of man, Mrs. Eddy says that he "reflects spiritually all that belongs to his Maker." Applying this to church means that the church reflects God's quality of omnipresence, as does also man. There is no place where God's church does not exist; there is no place where God's man does not exist.
Mortals do not fully grasp either the idea of unity or that of ubiquity, and they therefore see men here and there as their best conception of man. They also see the church as made up of separate organizations, various centers of Christian activity. It seems, therefore, that one of these church organizations and its problems may be treated in Christian Science exactly as a mortal man and his problems are treated. In such treatment mortality and separation are denied, and there is the declaration and realization of unity and divinity of structure, eternality and omnipresence of being; also of existence and sustenance based upon the conception of the one Ego, as expressed in various parts of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." These realizations and declarations applied to church as a divine manifestations show it to be eternal, comprising all that makes up harmonious and God-reflecting existence, indestructible, irresistible, resting forever on the rock, Christ, never in danger, never weak or ineffective, never in any other condition than that of manifesting divine Life and eternal vigor.
To regard the church as a material structure or organization, supported by matter, in danger from material loss or lack, as having a beginning and therefore in danger of having an end, that end which is depending upon the whim of mortal man, would be the same sort of malpractice as thus to regard one who is under Christian Science treatment. It would be to hasten its disappearance, since it would belie its name and nature. Moreover, thus to regard it would be to lose sight altogether of the real church in its symbol, to make an idol of the symbol and thereby doom it to destruction, for as a human organization its usefulness would soon come to an end, were a so-called Christian Science church to be conducted on the belief that it is supported by the money contributed by its members or that it is dependent upon their money for its existence. Christian Science declared and not practised, would fail utterly.
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February 6, 1915 issue
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Evil a Deception
"Priests unto God"
Nothing Lost
Testing Times
"They have taken away my Lord"
Yussuf Ben Orem
For ages humanity has accepted evil as a fearful reality,...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
The teachings of the Bible, and especially of the New Testament,...
W. D. Kilpatrick
An article appeared in a recent issue of The lvy Leaf, published...
Thomas F. Watson
It was the beloved John who wrote that God was Spirit
Robert S. Ross
In an issue of recent date there appears a letter from one...
Charles W. J. Tennant
"Chance and change"
Archibald McLellan
Patching versus Purification
John B. Willis
"We would see Jesus"
Annie M. Knott
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from Louis A. Heller, Arthur W. Marriott, William E. Werner, E. R. B. Allardice, Edward Curran, O. N. Verenius, Thomas P. Byrnes
I would like publicly to express my gratitude for all the...
R. H. Wesencraft
The saying, "Man's extremity is God's opportunity," has...
Josephine M. Parizek with contributions from James Parizek
Christian Science found me, about fifteen years ago, weary...
Malvina A. Korten
I am alive today solely through Christian Science
Anton Agsten
It is several years since I learned what Christian Science...
Margaret Brown Baxter
In 1912 my husband had Christian Science treatment for...
Evalina Williams
In the year 1907 Christian Science literature was brought...
Carrie Jewesson
I am sending this testimony in thankfulness to God for the...
Joseph Crewson with contributions from Winifred Crewson
I wish to testify to the goodness of God and to tell something...
J. D. Thatcher with contributions from Lillian I. Simpson
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from George E. Burlingame, Paul Sperry