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I would like publicly to express my gratitude for all the...
I would like publicly to express my gratitude for all the blessings I have experienced through the study of that wonderful book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. In my youth I had the advantages of a Christian home, and all my life have been associated with religious institutions, though I have not been a member of any church since I was quite a young man. I was always very anxious to fathom the apparent mysteries and problems of life, and though firmly convinced of a good, wise, omnipotent, and perfect creator, I was constantly coming into contact with a condition of things diametrically opposed to the view of a perfect God and a perfect plan, such as sorrow, pain, disease, discord, and war. During my studies I had been referred to Mrs. Eddy's book, but after a slight perusal, I returned it without having found the Principle it reveals; in fact, the book failed to impress me in the least. However, some years afterward I was invited to one of the Wednesday evening meeting, and from what I heard there I was induced to read it again, with the result that I was enlightened as to the true meaning of Christian Science. I have demonstrated the divine Principle ever since, and with effects that seem wonderful from the old point of view.
All my life long I had considered myself a chronic dyspeptic and had to diet myself. I was also subject to rheumatism, gout, and other ills; but as I have realized that divine Mind is the only real power, I have overcome all these infirmities. I am sincerely grateful for this happy change in my physical condition, and for the spiritual uplift which is always associated with the freedom that the understanding of Truth brings to all. A special demonstration of physical healing was over an attack of what would be diagnosed as malignant blood-poisoning. My face and head were much disfigured by sores and ulcers, a condition which could not be concealed or denied, except from the standpoint of spiritual reality. I sought the aid of a Christian Science practitioner, as my understanding was not sufficiently clear to meet the case, and after three or four treatments I was completely restored to health. I had a similar attack ten years previous to this, though not so diffused, and it took three months to cure it under medical treatment.
I cannot adequately express my gratitude for the benefits I have derived from the study of Christian Science, and for the new light it brings to the Bible and the teaching of Jesus Christ. My great desire is to bring the good news to others, and in the mean time, by word and act I am humbly trying to set forth my thankfulness to God, also to His servant, Mrs. Eddy, for the glorious truth again revealed so clearly to the world.—
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February 6, 1915 issue
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Evil a Deception
"Priests unto God"
Nothing Lost
Testing Times
"They have taken away my Lord"
Yussuf Ben Orem
For ages humanity has accepted evil as a fearful reality,...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
The teachings of the Bible, and especially of the New Testament,...
W. D. Kilpatrick
An article appeared in a recent issue of The lvy Leaf, published...
Thomas F. Watson
It was the beloved John who wrote that God was Spirit
Robert S. Ross
In an issue of recent date there appears a letter from one...
Charles W. J. Tennant
"Chance and change"
Archibald McLellan
Patching versus Purification
John B. Willis
"We would see Jesus"
Annie M. Knott
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from Louis A. Heller, Arthur W. Marriott, William E. Werner, E. R. B. Allardice, Edward Curran, O. N. Verenius, Thomas P. Byrnes
I would like publicly to express my gratitude for all the...
R. H. Wesencraft
The saying, "Man's extremity is God's opportunity," has...
Josephine M. Parizek with contributions from James Parizek
Christian Science found me, about fifteen years ago, weary...
Malvina A. Korten
I am alive today solely through Christian Science
Anton Agsten
It is several years since I learned what Christian Science...
Margaret Brown Baxter
In 1912 my husband had Christian Science treatment for...
Evalina Williams
In the year 1907 Christian Science literature was brought...
Carrie Jewesson
I am sending this testimony in thankfulness to God for the...
Joseph Crewson with contributions from Winifred Crewson
I wish to testify to the goodness of God and to tell something...
J. D. Thatcher with contributions from Lillian I. Simpson
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from George E. Burlingame, Paul Sperry