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Testing Times
In the Sentinel of Dec. 20, 1913, there appeared a testimony given by a survivor of the "Titanic" disaster, the reading of which determined me to tell of a similar experience in which divine Love was proved a sure deliverer. The mental processes of the writer of that testimony and myself seemed very much alike, and this to me is fresh proof of the existence of the one Mind.
The experience to which I refer was the passing through the flood of March, 1913, at Dayton, Ohio. The verdict of sense-testimony was that we were surrounded by fourteen feet of surging water, with imprisoned, frightened humanity, drowning animals, wrecked buildings, and fires in all directions, and that there was little chance of escape. We were in this condition from Tuesday until Friday, when we were taken out in boats. Through those terrible days and nights, primitive mortal man was revealed, while habits of civilization fell away like unnecessary and useless garments. Thus mortals stood, crude, naked, stripped of their boasted strength, and one primal cry went up for preservation. Instinctively all turned to a God,—professed believer and unbeliever, black and white, Jew and Gentile, their cry was the same,—"God save us."
The last call that went out over the telephone from our apartment-house, was the connection I was able to get with a Christian Science practitioner who had often helped me. His home was out of the flood districk, and to my request for help his reply came clear, "God is caring for you," and then the line was dead! I sat with the silent instrument in my hand and saw the electric light fade out. I tried the gas, but that would not ignite. I began dimly to realize that so far as human ingenuity was concerned we were helpless, for no one could reach us through the flood outside. I took the Bible and Science and Health and tried to read, but words seemed idle, so I closed the book, and into my seemingly paralyzed thought came automatically the ninety-first psalm, which is so dear to Christian Scientists, and which I knew by heart. I said it over, and the words began to mean something, until the truth it declares was meat and drink and drink following days. I literally lived on it until we were released.
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February 6, 1915 issue
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Evil a Deception
"Priests unto God"
Nothing Lost
Testing Times
"They have taken away my Lord"
Yussuf Ben Orem
For ages humanity has accepted evil as a fearful reality,...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
The teachings of the Bible, and especially of the New Testament,...
W. D. Kilpatrick
An article appeared in a recent issue of The lvy Leaf, published...
Thomas F. Watson
It was the beloved John who wrote that God was Spirit
Robert S. Ross
In an issue of recent date there appears a letter from one...
Charles W. J. Tennant
"Chance and change"
Archibald McLellan
Patching versus Purification
John B. Willis
"We would see Jesus"
Annie M. Knott
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from Louis A. Heller, Arthur W. Marriott, William E. Werner, E. R. B. Allardice, Edward Curran, O. N. Verenius, Thomas P. Byrnes
I would like publicly to express my gratitude for all the...
R. H. Wesencraft
The saying, "Man's extremity is God's opportunity," has...
Josephine M. Parizek with contributions from James Parizek
Christian Science found me, about fifteen years ago, weary...
Malvina A. Korten
I am alive today solely through Christian Science
Anton Agsten
It is several years since I learned what Christian Science...
Margaret Brown Baxter
In 1912 my husband had Christian Science treatment for...
Evalina Williams
In the year 1907 Christian Science literature was brought...
Carrie Jewesson
I am sending this testimony in thankfulness to God for the...
Joseph Crewson with contributions from Winifred Crewson
I wish to testify to the goodness of God and to tell something...
J. D. Thatcher with contributions from Lillian I. Simpson
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from George E. Burlingame, Paul Sperry