I would indeed be ungrateful not to give thanks to God for...

I would indeed be ungrateful not to give thanks to God for what Christian Science has done for me and mine. Words are inadequate to express the gratitude I feel for all the benefits I have received, both physically and spiritually. In January, 1912, I was taken very ill with acute lung trouble, complicated with an abscess, so that to mortal sense I was for several days down in the dark valley, and to make matters worse we were without servants. There was no one to care for me, so my husband telegraphed to a distant city for a sister who had been in Christian Science for many years, and she came as nurse and maid. With loving-kindness she worked under the instruction given by a faithful practitioner, and with their understanding of the power of Truth the disease was met and overcome in less than six weeks. The abscess broke at the end of two weeks, and at the beginning of the seventh week I was fully dressed and en route for Pasadena, California. I traveled without an attendant, for I realized that I had with me a physician who was adequate to meet every need, even divine Love.

Upon my arrival at Pasadena I was met at the train by my brother, who took me for a thirty-mile drive in his automobile before taking me to his home, and every pleasant day I enjoyed a long ride. In a stay of two months I was not obliged to lie down once during the day. I have proved that this blessed truth will heal all our diseases and restore us mentally and spiritually. It teaches us to love our neighbor as ourselves; and if we follow the teachings given in Science and Health, Love will meet our every need.

For over thirty years I had held the thought of bitter hatred toward certain parties who to mortal sense had done me what I considered a great wrong. This sense of hatred, however, had been overcome to such an extent that I invited them to our home; but on the evening when they were to arrive, fear of meeting them crept into my consciousness. Just then the Monitor came, and as I turned to the Home Forum page, the article that first met my gaze was "The Art of Forgiving," and after reading it I found that all my fear had been destroyed. I was able to meet these people with love, and no inharmony crept in to mar our evening's pleasure. For these and many other blessings which I have received through the understanding of Christian Science, I am indeed grateful to our dear Leader, whose teachings have shown me the way to overcome evil with good.

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Testimony of Healing
It is now something over five years since my attention was...
February 21, 1914

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