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Disease not Inherited
Christian Science is freeing mankind from the belief that disease is lawfully inherited, and is unfolding the real and available inheritance of man in God's image and likeness. That which is not the truth of man is found to be but a supposititious inheritance, the spurious nature and unreality of which are gradually exposed as Christian Science is demonstrated. We need not be in bondage to the belief that disease is ineradicable because inherited, since disease is never the truth of man.
Mrs. Eddy says of this belief, "Disease is always induced by a false sense mentally entertained, not destroyed" (Science and Health, p. 411). In proportion as this fact is understood, the belief in inherited disease resolves itself into the proposition that false beliefs and sin—satisfaction in which is always illusion—do not belong to our inheritance. Whether such illusions account for themselves on the ground of being inherited or acquired, it is evident that the effective remedy for them is the truth which God unfolds to man and which dispels these errors, relieving mankind from all fear, and also from all sinful desires.
It is not, then, so much a question of what one has inherited of an evil nature, as of how much of it one is accepting as real or God-given. If mortal man, by reason of the doctrine of inheritance, manifests sinful tendencies, appetites, and passions, vain intellectual conceits, undemonstrable doctrines, physiological and medical theories and fears which tend to obscure the truth of God and man set forth in the first chapter of Genesis, or if these errors have been impressed upon him through association, or through instruction, education, and training based upon a misconception of what true knowledge is, the fact remains that all this is but "the old man with his deeds" to be "put off," while "the new man" is to be "put on" through right knowledge of God and its daily application. The individual is a free moral agent, and freedom from so-called inherited sinful tendencies and disease is wholly a question of right mental activity now.
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February 21, 1914 issue
View Issue-
True Conversion
Gratitude and Realization
No Concessions to Error
"I am with you alway"
Every-day Overcoming
Disease not Inherited
In a recent issue is the report of a sermon delivered by...
John M. Henderson
In reply to your correspondent who writes over the pseudonym...
M. I. Whitcroft
A certain speaker, in an address on "A New Religion," is...
Thomas F. Watson
My attention has just been called to a communication...
George A. Law
In a recent issue I notice Dr.—'s remarks on pain and...
John W. Doorly
According to published reports, both the evangelist and...
R. Stanhope Easterday
A correspondent in a recent issue had noticed a remarkable...
John W. Harwood
"Ask of God"
Archibald McLellan
Faith and Works
John B. Willis
"Durable riches"
Annie M. Knott
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from Prof. Williamson, Charles H. Gibbs, R. L. Chambers, Isabel Darlington, Oscar O. Cozad, Earle G. Killeen
From this beautiful land, in the very heart of the Andes...
Nina M. Henderson
It is with great pleasure that I write this testimony of my...
Mary E. Musgrave
I would indeed be ungrateful not to give thanks to God for...
Florence Geraldine Shefler
After attending many of the beautiful Christian Science...
Alice May Wittenberg
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Charles G. Ames, Cavendish Moxon