is self-evident that in order to perceive the presence of a condition one must become conscious of it; therefore in order to know that good is here, one must become conscious of the presence of good.
directness of speech which characterizes the utterances of Christ Jesus is perhaps nowhere more beautifully set forth than in the Sermon on the Mount.
the promise "I will show thee what thou shalt do" may be proved true, has been demonstrated in a recent experience, which though in itself void of all romance, was fraught with meaning to me, and perchance it may be to others who are learning in Christian Science of the ceaseless availability of Truth.
Christian Science
is freeing mankind from the belief that disease is lawfully inherited, and is unfolding the real and available inheritance of man in God's image and likeness.
In reply to your correspondent who writes over the pseudonym of "A Churchwoman," let me say that the Christian Science teaching on the Trinity is simple, clear, reasonable, and absolutely in accordance with the Bible; whereas that of the church, with all due respect to those who formulated the creed, is utterly vague, even to those whose orthodoxy compels them to accept it.
A certain speaker, in an address on "A New Religion," is reported in a recent issue as saying that Christian Science is "illogical; it cannot stand an intelligent test applied to it, according to known facts of life.
My attention has just been called to a communication which appeared in a recent issue, wherein the writer, after enumerating some twenty-five or more diseases which he terms "parasite diseases," asks whether such "are a proper field for Christian Science practise.
A correspondent in a recent issue had noticed a remarkable feature of journalism, in its attitude respecting First Church of Christ, Scientist, which, he says, is being boomed in Blackpool just now.
through the recorded history of the human race, as found in the Scriptures, are many references to wealth and riches, all of which point to the metaphysical significance of these terms above and beyond the mere belief in material possessions.
After attending many of the beautiful Christian Science services in London and on the continent, likewise the Wednesday evening testimony meetings, from all of which I have derived much help and understanding, I feel it a privilege to send my own experience.
The little cares that fretted me,I lost them yesterdayAmong the fields above the sea,Among the winds at play,Among the lowing of the herds,The rustling of the trees,Among the singing of the birds,The humming of the bees;The foolish fears of what might come,I cast them all awayAmong the clover-scented grass,Among the new-mown hay,Among the hushing of the cornWhere drowsy poppies nod,Where ill thoughts die and good are born,Out in the fields with God.
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