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Gratitude and Realization
It is self-evident that in order to perceive the presence of a condition one must become conscious of it; therefore in order to know that good is here, one must become conscious of the presence of good. For countless years, great possibilities for good in the way of fertility and productiveness of the soil were present in the arid sections of the far West. No one recognized this to be true, however, because of the absence of the moisture necessary to make this productiveness available; but today irrigation is literally making the desert to bud and "blossom as the rose."
We may well liken human consciousness to the arid desert. This consciousness holds within itself the God-given ability to know good as the reality and to bring forth an hundredfold of the blessed fruits of this knowing; but in too many instances the possibility of such desirable fruition is not recognized, because the factor is not present which makes the realization of good possible. Consciousness needs to be watered with ever-flowing gratitude in order that it may but and blossom with joy, peace, and confidence.
It is only through appreciation of the good we have that we really know we have any good. A child upon whom toys and attention have been lavished his whole life, who has been receiving all and giving nothing in return, is apt to be selfish, discontented, continually seeking satisfaction and happiness in some new thing and never finding it. Not having been taught to appreciate the good he has, he does not know that he has any good. His material things bring him little or no happiness because his mental state prevents him from being cognizant of the reality and presence of good.
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February 21, 1914 issue
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True Conversion
Gratitude and Realization
No Concessions to Error
"I am with you alway"
Every-day Overcoming
Disease not Inherited
In a recent issue is the report of a sermon delivered by...
John M. Henderson
In reply to your correspondent who writes over the pseudonym...
M. I. Whitcroft
A certain speaker, in an address on "A New Religion," is...
Thomas F. Watson
My attention has just been called to a communication...
George A. Law
In a recent issue I notice Dr.—'s remarks on pain and...
John W. Doorly
According to published reports, both the evangelist and...
R. Stanhope Easterday
A correspondent in a recent issue had noticed a remarkable...
John W. Harwood
"Ask of God"
Archibald McLellan
Faith and Works
John B. Willis
"Durable riches"
Annie M. Knott
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from Prof. Williamson, Charles H. Gibbs, R. L. Chambers, Isabel Darlington, Oscar O. Cozad, Earle G. Killeen
From this beautiful land, in the very heart of the Andes...
Nina M. Henderson
It is with great pleasure that I write this testimony of my...
Mary E. Musgrave
I would indeed be ungrateful not to give thanks to God for...
Florence Geraldine Shefler
After attending many of the beautiful Christian Science...
Alice May Wittenberg
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Charles G. Ames, Cavendish Moxon