apostle Peter speaks of "the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat.
Christian Science
has come into the world to establish both by precept and example the spiritually right concept of God and the universe, including man.
erroneous view seems to obtain with some people that the evil thoughts of outsiders or of those with whom they are closely associated may prevent a complete recovery under Christian Science treatment.
student of Christian Science becomes ever more and more grateful for the clearer understanding of the Scriptures that comes to him from the study of the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
value of taking advantage of our opportunities to distribute The Christian Science Monitor demonstrated by our experience at Maryland's Industrial and Pure Food Exposition, which closed on Oct.
I have read in a recent issue the reference to Christian Science, and, with your permission, would like to correct the impression there given, while gratefully admitting the sympathetic tone of the writer.
As the words "Hypnotism and Christian Science" appear coupled together in a paragraph in a recent issue of Standard, I feel sure you will allow me to state that Christian Science is the very opposite of hypnotism, and to give some of the reasons for this statement.
The hundreds of thousands of people who constitute the rank and file of the Christian Science movement had given the laws of hygiene and materia medica a fair trial before turning to Christian Science; many of this number had been pronounced incurable by physicians.
has been said about the unassumed air of happiness and prosperity which is distinctive of Christian Scientists, and while it is true that jocose critics have jeered at what they have been pleased to term "smug complacency," it is also true that these critics are in such a minority that their sayings are of little consequence.
There are not a few of those unacquainted with the teaching of Christian Science who are disposed to refer to its so-called "denials of fact" in terms designed to amuse their hearers.
The truth as revealed unto "babes" was made very plain to me one night many months ago, when my small son, then but five years of age, called from his room at midnight, asking me to come and read for him.
Sincere gratitude for Christian Science, the manifestation of divine Truth, impels me to give the following testimony: In August, 1911, a friend who had been sick, in bondage for three years, and left without hope after a serious operation, had a visit from a Christian Scientist, who lovingly gave her a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
After suffering for almost two years with what physicians pronounced organic heart trouble and a chronic stomach affection, and having tried materia medica to such an extent that I despaired of getting well or finding relief through that source, I went to a Christian Science practitioner.
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