I wish to express my gratitude to God for a wonderful...

I wish to express my gratitude to God for a wonderful healing I received in Christian Science. I came home from my ship in May, 1910, to spend my vacation in Columbus, Ind., and just before my furlough expired I was taken with a severe attack of measles, there being an epidemic at the time. A physician who was called said I was very ill and would not be able to return to my ship for three weeks, and wrote the captain of the ship to this effect.

My mother, who is a Christian Scientist, came down the next day and asked me if I would be willing to take Christian Science treatment. I consented and she at once sent word to a practitioner to treat me. The night before I had been delirious all night and had been strongly admonished by the doctor not to eat any solid food or leave my bed. The next night after my treatment began in Christian Science I rested well all night, the following morning the eruption had about all gone, and I ate a hearty breakfast and continued to improve. The third day I dressed and went out of doors, and remained up until eleven p.m. Three days later I left for my ship at Philadelphia, and have been well ever since.

I am deeply grateful for this healing and for the great spiritual understanding which I received through the experience. I now own a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and love to read it.

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Testimony of Healing
I have for so many years silently accepted the benefits...
July 27, 1912

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