I was greatly interested in reading in your esteemed paper...

Dubuque (Ia.) Times-Journal

I was greatly interested in reading in your esteemed paper the views on mental healing which were set forth in a report from the British committee, including medical practitioners, physicians, neurologists, alienists, etc., "appointed to consider questions connected with healing by spiritual means."

The conclusions as stated are, (1) "That the essential factor in all forms of psychic healing is mental suggestion, which has been used from remote periods, although more fully explained by modern psychology." (2) "That there is abundant evidence of the efficacy of mental suggestion in the treatment of many disorders. No evidence has been forthcoming of any authenticated cure of organic disease."

Inasmuch as one member of this committee states: "I do not draw any marked distinction between the claims of such healing alleged by Christian Scientists, by Church of England healers, by faith-healers, by Mohammedans, or by members of other religions," and because there is a positive and marked distinction, in that Christian Science healing is utterly unlike the teaching mentioned, I will ask space in which briefly to comment on the above statements from the Christian Science view-point.

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