It is with a heart full of gratitude that I give this testimony,...

It is with a heart full of gratitude that I give this testimony, to tell what Christian Science has done for me, hoping to bring cheer to others. Three years ago Christian Science was recommended to me by a dear friend. For eleven years I had been a great sufferer from nervous exhaustion, and at the time of coming into Science I was unable to attend to my household duties at all. A practitioner came to see me, and after talking with her I was completely healed with the one treatment of all the nervousness and of chronic bowel trouble.

One year before I took up Christian Science I had what the doctor called "black erysipelas" in the worst form. I became unconscious a few hours after its appearance and remained so for five days. I was without food during that time and was not able to leave my room for three weeks, having a nurse to take care of me, and was not able to leave my house for four months. Since coming to Science the same disease has appeared again, having the same symptoms as before. A Christian Science practitioner was called on Wednesday and she gave me absent treatment. The appearance was the same as before, with intense pain and fever, and on Friday and Saturday the pain was almost unbearable. On Sunday, about three p.m., the pain suddenly left, and in another hour the fever was entirely gone. On the next Wednesday I attended the mid-week meeting, all traces of the disease having disappeared.

At another time, in January, 1910, I was running to catch a car, and there was ice on the ground. As I came near the car I fell, striking on my right shoulder. The conductor helped me on to the car, and as I lived on the opposite side of the city it was nearly two hours before I reached home. I immediately had a practitioner called, but as she could not reach me for three or four hours (this being about five p.m.), she told me to call a surgeon. I did so, and he was here in a few minutes. After examining my arm he said it was completely dislocated at the shoulder, but he bound it up and said I must lie still and not try to move my arm or my hand. About seven o'clock dinner was ready, and when my family came to see what I would have to eat, to their amazement I was sitting up. I went to the diningroom and ate dinner with the rest of the family, then had the practitioner called, telling her not to come until morning as I was doing well, but that she should continue the treatment. On the third day I sewed all day, and continued to sew for three weeks, experiencing no pain after the first day. This showed me that "divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need." (Science and Health, p. 494). For this healing and many other blessings I am truly thankful to God, and grateful to Mrs. Eddy for teaching us this truth and how to apply it in every need.

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Testimony of Healing
I intended to send this testimony in long ago, but I was...
July 13, 1912

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