The American section of the new world map, in which countries will be drawn on the same scale, that the relative size and characteristics of each may be shown, is progressing rapidly under the direction of the United States geological survey.
winter the writer experienced the pleasure of seeing people skating on river and lake, and the evident joy and exhilaration of the skater proved so fascinating that it ended in the purchase of a pair of skates.
morning the writer sat listening to the conversation of two gentlemen regarding The Christian Science Monitor, when these words fell on the ear: "The Monitor, you see, is a healed newspaper.
one question the man in the street as to the meaning of the commandment, "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain," it is very likely that he would say it was a command to speak reverently of God, or not to speak lightly of holy things.
to whom the supply of food, clothing, and other necessaries of human existence has always come as naturally and abundantly as air and sunlight, have sometimes experienced a sudden rough wrenching away of these things,—a seeming loss of that abundant provision which had come to be accepted without question, almost as a right.
My days and nights to evil thoughts were closed;I prayed to God aright, as I supposed;As porter at my humble door I stoodThat naught should find an entrance there but good.
Having read the letter published last week in the Pacific from a subscriber who asked for more light on certain points concerning Christian Science, I present the following reply:—
The average Christian is content to admit that there was a time, long centuries ago, when men could be healed of their infirmities by the direct action of the Holy Spirit, and be guided in all the affairs of every-day life by that supreme wisdom which made the world and still sustains it, but he thinks that time has passed forever.
The clergyman would not find it easy to substantiate his assertion that the average life of Christian Scientists "is no longer and probably is a little shorter" than that of other persons.
That Christian Science is a wholesome doctrine can be attested to by thousands upon thousands upon whom the door of hope had been closed, and before whom the open grave had yawned.
A large majority of the members of the Christian Science church have come to it on account of having received many benefits, and they are always willing to testify to the regeneration that has taken place in their lives through its practice and teaching.
not, faint heart, that thou canst lackThy heritage of love,Since God Himself thy portion is,Who giveth every child of HisFull measure from above.
informs us that the blessed ministry of healing which our Master instituted when he sent forth his disciples with "the great commission," as it has so appropriately been called, continued to be an important part of the work of his followers in the first three centuries of the Christian era; and no good reason has so far been given for the failure of all who from that time to the present have called themselves Christians, to keep this essential feature of his work prominently in view.
searching the dictionary for definitions of the word Spirit and its derivatives, the student of Christian Science cannot fail to observe that very few of these relate to the divine nature or its manifestation in man and the universe.
morning [March 12] at eleven o'clock First Church of Christ, Scientist, will hold the first service in its own edifice, having acquired by purchase the property of the First Baptist church on South Fullerton avenue, near Bloomfield avenue.
A new pamphlet entitled "Christian Science: Its Divine Authority," a lecture by Bliss Knapp, has just been issued by The Christian Science Publishing Society, and is now on sale.
An overwhelming sense of gratitude prompts me to tell others of the glorious freedom which Christian Science bestows on all who seek its priceless gifts.
It would be impossible for me to tell of all the blessings which Christian Science has brought me in the past six years, for I have been healed of many ills.
About nine years ago, when living in Wisconsin, I was asked to give a little reading at a social gathering, and chose for the entertainment of my friends an article by a well-known humorist, which had recently appeared in a magazine.
Christian Science has done much for me, and I wish to express my gratitude to God, and to the woman who has given to the world this understanding of the Scriptures, which did not mean much to me before I became acquainted with this teaching.
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