A petition asking for the dissolution of the United States Steel Corporation and some of its subsidiaries has been filed in the United States court in Trenton, N.
is a subject of never-failing interest to the student of Christian Science to observe in his study of the gospels how very slowly those who followed Jesus, and saw his works and heard his words, awoke to the realization of the fact that questions of far deeper import than the healing of a few sick people were being unfolded to them, and through them to the world.
complications are many which appear in the problems of mortal experience that daily present themselves for solution, and without clearly defined rules of action mental chaos may ensue.
In the Church Manual, under "Extract from a letter in 'Miscellaneous Writings' by Mary Baker Eddy," we are told, relative to the rules and by-laws, that "they were not arbitrary opinions nor dictatorial demands, such as one person might impose on another.
The Beacon is in receipt of a handsomely bound little volume containing editorials gathered from the press of the world touching the life and work of Mrs.
My attention has been called to the article in your June issue, entiled, "A Mounmental Blunder," in which you credit the defeat of the "Medical Inspection Bill for School Children" to the "adherents of the Christian Science faith.
The healing power of Christian Science is definitely defined in the first paragraph of the opening chapter of the text-book of Christian Science, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy, as follows: "The prayer that reforms the sinner and heals the sick is an absolute faith that all things are possible to God,—a spiritual understanding of Him, an unselfed love.
In a recent issue of the State Journal a statement was published from the city of Lincoln board of health relating to Christian Science which is somewhat misleading.
In a late issue there appears a discussion of hypnotism in which the writer expresses it as his opinion that Christian Science practice is the "laws of hypnotism under popular dress.
The pamphlet attacking Christian Science, as noticed in a recent issue, contains apparently serious accusations to any one unacquainted with the teachings of Christian Science.
A clergyman is reported as having spoken disparagingly of those religionists who advocate the possibility of healing the sick through divine power, as distinctive from the employment of material means.
the next few months, in many of the branch churches, there will be occasion for members to give earnest condideration to the selection of their church officers for the ensuing year, and in some cases they are even now looking about them for available material.
Readers of the text-book of Christian Science wonder sometimes why its author should have laid such stress upon the teaching that there is no life in matter, but those who have come to realize how this mortal belief wields its debasing influence in every realm of thought, have no trouble in discerning the sufficient reason for her reiterations.
the last half century a great change has come over the world's thought, a scientific view of things having to a large extent done away with superstition as it was linked to beliefs concerning God, man, and the universe.
I wish to acknowledge gratefully the great blessing Christian Science has been to me, and to tell something of the peace, the joy, and the healing which I have experienced.
In studying a Lesson on "Love" I was forcibly reminded of how much I owe to Christian Science, and I wish to express something of the gratitude which fills me to overflowing—gratitude to God, the divine Principle, Love; also to our beloved Leader, Mrs.
I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to God for the many blessings which I now enjoy through the study and application of the truth as given to us in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
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