One mistakes the teaching of Christian Science who...

Chattanooga (Tenn.) Times

One mistakes the teaching of Christian Science who calculates that its modus operandi is a mere wordy denial of sin and disease, and an affirmation of health and life. A person could accomplish no more toward the destruction of disease and the establishment of health through such a process than one could toward the removal of discord and the supplantation of harmony in connection with music by this same method. Both undertakings require demonstrable knowledge of what is true, before one can detect and dispose of the false sense of that which is true.

It is all wrong to say that Christian Science teaches there is "no body, no matter, and consequently no pain; and that all pain, sickness, and disease exist in mind only." Christian Science teaches that when we know and demonstrate enough of the truth which Jesus said would make free, we shall not find ourselves unclothed (bodiless), but, as Paul says, "clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life." No one could reasonably expect to bring about this change in any other way than through an educational process; and as the human mind is renewed with truth, in a corresponding degree this transformation will take place. No one could immortalize his body through the employment of material laws and their remedies. "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing." Man's body is subject to his thought. This fact is supported by evidence from every conceivable view-point. For instance, sorrow or some mental agitation must precede tears; mortification or some perturbance comes before the flushed cheek; pallor may result from terror. Health appeared when Jesus said: "Thy faith hath made thee whole."

Understanding is the very heart and soul of Christian Science teaching. It reiterates in its every line Christ Jesus' statement: "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Our critic misunderstands Mrs. Eddy's statement that "all disease is the result of education," as he construes it to mean that all education results in disease, while Mrs. Eddy explains that "as a man thinketh, so is he" (Science and Health, p. 166). It was wrong education that taught and perpetuated the belief in a flat earth, and it was right education that changed the thought of the world to the contrary.

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September 25, 1909

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