Christian Science declares that matter is a false concept...

Jersey City (N.J.) Journal.

Christian Science declares that matter is a false concept of the human mind, but further adds, that as this false concept is destroyed, the divine mind and its manifestation will appear. St. Paul says, "When that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away." We need only to look about us to prove the truth of St. Paul's prophecy; what has become of the stage-coach now that the Twentieth Century flyer crosses the western plain? What becomes of the signal system when wireless telegraphy is used? Yet all will admit only "that which is in part" has come. Perhaps in the near future that which is shown in Christian Science to be the ideal concept of God and the universe will be more apparent to all; then it will be understood that Christian Science gives a perfect concept and repudiates that which denies perfection. Thus it becomes plain to your readers that Christian Science does not stand for the theory of the non-existence of all things, but rather for a declaration and realization of the appearance of all that is real and good.

Replying to the erroneous conclusion upon the part of our critic that Christian Scientists can go right on sinning and merely think there is no sin, by reason of the teaching in Christian Science that sin is not real but delusive, permit me to ask this question: Does our critic believe that a drunkard afflicted with delirium tremens would be warranted in continuing the drink habit on the ground that the delusions were unreal and therefore not sinful? All unreality is sin, and the so-called pleasures of sin always end in delusion. Christian Science teaches that the more one indulges in the belief of sin, the more frightful the delusions of sin become; hence the slightest violation of the moral law in thought or act would be recognized as a sinful delusion by one practising Christian Science; one could not be a Christian Scientist and go on sinning, declaring meanwhile that there is no sin.

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March 13, 1909

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