I have been interested in Christian Science over four...

I have been interested in Christian Science over four years, and all honor and gratitude are due from me for its teaching. The liquor and tobacco habits of long years' standing have been overcome, and I am completely healed. The benefits that I am daily receiving and rejoicing over, are from the light of Truth that shines forth in my consciousness, the light of spiritual understanding, which alone brings health and peace of a satisfying nature. These words are written in the highest sense of appreciation for all that is good and true, as made known in Christian Science.—John M. Craig, Louisville, Ky.

For a long time I have felt that I should tell of my healing through Christian Science, which took place about four years ago. I had been taken with an attack of appendicitis and other abdominal trouble, and after an illness of seven weeks, with only a liquid diet for nourishment, the physicians said that an operation would be absolutely necessary as soon as I had sufficient strength. I decide to try Christian Science before submitting to the knife, having been interested for some time before in the spiritual uplifting which I had seen demonstrated on visits I had made to a dear friend who is a practitioner. I had my husband telephone to this friend and ask for treatment, and she advised my coming to her the next morning. At that time we did not see how it could be possible for me to make a trip of one hundred and fifty miles, but my friend assured us that "with God all things are possible," and that the needed strength would come from Him. I was able to leave the next morning, and reached the home of my friend that afternoon.

My healing commenced from the time we telephoned, and continued rapidly. In a week's time I was like a new person; at the expiration of two weeks I was well and strong, and have been ever since. After this healing I began the study of Christian Science, and it has been a help and comfort to me in every way. I joined the Christian Science church here about one year ago. I feel deeply grateful for the faithful work done for me and for all the benefits I have received through a knowledge of Truth.

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Testimony of Healing
I wish to express my gratitude for the numerous blessings...
October 30, 1909

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