It is with sincere gratitude for the many blessings Christian Science...

It is with sincere gratitude for the many blessings Christian Science has brought me that I give this testimony. About two years ago I was suffering with what was pronounced a tuberculous condition of the throat. I was under the care of a physician, making three and four calls a week at his office for treatment; but received no relief whatever, the rather I grew steadily worse. Having seen many proofs of God's power to heal, through Christian Science, in my own home, I desired to give it a trial. After disposing of all the material remedies which I had about the house, I called for a practitioner, who came to my home. She explained this truth to me and although I could not see it very plainly at first, by constant study and frequent visits with my practitioner the light was revealed, and it grew brighter day by day.

My healing was slow but permanent. At times I would get very much discouraged, but it was then that I would study all the harder. I am now in perfect health, and I thank God for this healing, also for the spiritual knowledge I have gained since I began the study of the Bible and of the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy.

B. F. Hormel, A correction was made in the February 20, 1909 Sentinel: "In the Jan. 30 issue of the Sentinel the testimony signed B. F. Honnel should have read B. F. Hormel.—Editor." Austin, Minn.

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Testimony of Healing
It was not for physical healing, though I was sadly in...
January 30, 1909

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