It is universally acknowledged that Jesus was the greatest...

Ottawa (Can.) Free Press

It is universally acknowledged that Jesus was the greatest healer the world has ever known. All Christians look upon him as the great Exemplar, whose life and practice they regard as the ideal after which to pattern their lives and conduct. The question arises, How did Jesus heal? Did he call upon the medical doctors to diagnose his cases for him, turning over to them the more difficult cases, such as those of organic disease, and reserving for his own practice only cases of nervous and functional troubles?

Jesus healed all manner of disease, and never stopped to inquire whether it was organic or functional. He practised and taught an absolute and unqualified reliance on God, Spirit, to heal, and any method that would try to unite spiritual and material methods and means of healing is most certainly not in accord with Jesus' teachings. It is evident from the uniform success he met with that Jesus must have healed in accordance with a fixed immutable law, or Principle, which he understood and taught to his disciples, and by which he was able to bring about such marvelous results.

Christian Scientists believe that this Principle which he demonstrated has again been discovered and revealed to the world by Mrs. Eddy in her book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and they have proved the truth of its teachings by healing numberless cases of sickness, including the most severe cases of organic diseases, such as cancer, tuberculosis, diphtheria, smallpox, and others mentioned by our critic.

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October 3, 1908

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