The powerful esthetic religious movement which under...

Svea, the Swedish-American weekly

The powerful esthetic religious movement which under the name of Christian Science has developed in North America and subsequently has spread to almost all the European countries, and England in particular, has now reached Sweden. Although as yet of comparatively small extent, it has obtained many followers, both in Stockholm and Gotheburg, but mostly in the aristocratic communities of Skania, the southern province of Sweden. The adherents of Christian Science, at least in Sweden, seem to come from the upper ten thousand, and this explains to some degree why the movement has developed without attracting popular attention. Dagens Nyheter (a Stockholm newspaper) has been in communication with some of the adherents of this faith in the capital city, for the purpose of obtaining reliable information concerning this system of ideas, its purpose and its development. ...

Although the healing of the sick is by no means the main idea in Christian Science, it nevertheless is through this means that the cult hitherto has been spread and become known. It is also for the most part persons who have been healed in foreign countries that have become adherents of the faith in Sweden. These persons have not yet organized themselves into a church, nor are they holding meetings; they consider that Christian Science ought not to be spread through concrete agencies, which would be of no avail so long as the time is not ripe for the acceptance of the teachings. This calm and expectant attitude constitutes a feature that is as unusual as it is appealing in this sectarian movement that up to the present time is so little known in Sweden, but that soon may become powerful.

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