Through Christian Science I have been healed of stomach...

Through Christian Science I have been healed of stomach and liver complaints, the latter in an aggravated form. It is therefore with a profound sense of gratitude to God, and to Mrs. Eddy, that I hereby testify to the healing efficacy of this Science. In common with many persons engaged in daily newspaper work, I was a member of the great army of nervous sufferers. During a period of nearly fourteen years, within which time I occupied various important positions on prominent newspapers of Minneapolis, St. Paul, and San Francisco, I repeatedly found, as a result of my physical condition, that my duties and responsibilities were in excess of my capacity to discharge them to my satisfaction. I became greatly emaciated and weak, and my whole appearance indicated a serious condition. Many of my friends believed the outcome would be fatal, and several prominent physicians rendered the same verdict. With the exception of a serious surgical operation, I know of no means of help offered me that I did not gratefully accept. My physicians were my loving friends, in whom I had fullest confidence. I was held under an unusually strict diet for years ; change of climate was ordered, and accepted by me several times ; likewise travel, and at various times I covered several thousand miles of land and sea. Most of the well-known remedies, recommended in similar cases, were given a fair trial; osteopathy was experimented with for more than a year ; I also tried physical culture, but the net result of my earnest endeavor to regain health was that I gradually grew worse, until finally there was little in life to interest me. To those who I hope will find a source of encouragement in my testimony, it will be needless to describe the years of suffering and the torture which I unwittingly caused myself to endure.

I came to Christian Science in May, 1903, but with no faith in its power to heal me. I was simply driven to it, not knowing where else to turn for help. Some of my acquaintances said they had been healed through it, and being in so much distress, I felt that I simply must have help if possible, so I grasped at it. Now I am well, and find it very pleasant indeed to eat the food that is placed before me. My healing was slow, for which I am thankful. Before recovering my health, I found it consistent to gain some understanding of the truth of being and its power to heal. In searching for health in this manner, I found at the same time that I was learning to love the Bible, to worship God, to hold Mrs. Eddy in loving esteem, to entertain a most kindly affection toward the Christian Science Church and its members. I had indulged in the use of liquor and patronized saloons most of my life; I had also smoked cigars since I was twelve years of age. I found it necessary, some fifteen years ago, to resort to the regular use of glasses. Without especial treatment therefor, but rather as the result of my reading and the growth of my understanding of the teachings of the Bible as explained by Mrs. Eddy in Science and Health, I have lost all desire for liquor and tobacco and have no further use for my glasses.

After trying to become interested successively in several different orthodox denominations, and finding in each conditions that did not appeal to me, my attendance at religious services became limited to Easter Sundays and similar occasions. The Bible was beyond my comprehension and to me was practically a closed book for over a quarter of a century. Now I attend regularly on Sunday morning and Wednesday evening the Christian Science services, to all of which I look forward with pleasure. To me they are inspiring, comforting, and satisfying. I also count it one of my privileges to study daily the Lesson-Sermons with their instructive and helpful citations from the Bible and Science and Health. I am also pleased to acknowledge a growing sense of humility; and my love for humanity in general, for which I am daily striving, is constantly broadening. Slowly but surely I am overcoming hate, envy, pride, and egotism. Through the understanding of the power of Truth which I have so far gained, I have myself quickly overcome many ailments.

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Testimony of Healing
Almost seven years ago, when material remedies had...
February 9, 1907

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