In the spring of 1885, while under the care of a noted...

In the spring of 1885, while under the care of a noted physician, I received word that a former patient of this same physician had been completely restored to health through Christian Science treatment. I knew that this lady had spent years in a vain search for health, and I did not doubt that her cure had been effected by the Christian Science treatment, but in my blindness I thought it could not do the same for me—I still clung to the material help. During the next five months I passed through a very critical attack, in which my life was despaired of, and when sufficiently recovered the physician advised that I be taken to the seashore for the summer, saying that he could do nothing for me in my extremely weakened condition. I returned to his care in the fall slightly improved. He now told me that I must make up my mind to an invalid's life, that the most he could do for me was to afford temporary relief from suffering. Previous to this time four other physicians had been unsuccessful in their efforts to effect a cure, and as I had perfect confidence in this man's ability to diagnose and skill to treat, I accepted his verdict.

My extreme suffering and resignation to the supposed will of God were, however, preparing me to hear the voice of God. It came to me in November, 1886, through a dear friend—another former invalid restored to perfect health through Christian Science. She came to our home to show us what Christian Science had done for her, and to give us some idea of its teaching. She said to me, "You say that God is omnipotent, yet you admit a power which has made you sick." The words came as a shock. I felt as if convicted of dishonesty; then, as the truth forced itself upon me, chains seemed to be unloosed and to fall away, and a light seemed to envelop my entire person. One trouble, that had baffled the physician for a year, disappeared entirely at this time. Then began an earnest study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and a constant effort was made to apply the knowledge thus gained in the affairs of every-day life. The healing began at once. There were many trials, some dark days, but the light always shone, if sometimes dimly. The close of 1887 found me a well woman, and I then realized that I had never known health before. I had expended three dollars for the text-book, to learn of the great Physician. In the four years previous I had spent about fifteen hundred dollars in my vain search after health.

To-day I stand in awe in the presence of the blessing revealed through Mrs. Eddy. Is it not meet that we should let the world know of the great benefits wrought by this new yet old Christianity?

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Testimony of Healing
Through Christian Science I have been healed of stomach...
February 9, 1907

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