Christian Science is based upon the same "strange"...

Fresno (Cal.) Republican

Christian Science is based upon the same "strange" proposition which was advocated by the Master of Christianity when he said. "God is a spirit." Every statement contained in the Christian Science text-book is consist ently deduced from this premise, and thus far no critic has attempted to prove to the contrary. Meanwhile Christian Science counts its beneficiaries by the multitudes, and thousands are alive and well to-day through its benign influence alter losing all hope of recovery through other means: family feuds have been destroyed. drunkards have been reclaimed, and sinners of the deepest dye have been made sound through this Science. Indeed it is safe to say that no woman or man in the history of the world has accomplished so much good in so short a time as has been effected through the Leader of the movement.

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November 30, 1907

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