In April, 1882, immediately following the birth of one of...

In April, 1882, immediately following the birth of one of my children, I was stricken with a severe illness, and in the years that followed there were weeks, and often months, in which I was utterly unable even to wait on myself, there being no time during almost twenty-two years in which I was free from pain for even a single day. About fifteen years ago, after consulting almost every physician in our city (I was then living at Anderson, Ind.), I was told that an operation for ovarian trouble was all that would save my life, but I refused to submit to this ordeal. At this time a growth made its appearance in my right side, and in a few months we were again consulting with physicians, who said there would necessarily have to be an operation. In 1901 I had another serious illness, being confined to my bed for several weeks, the physician telling my husband that he did not think there was much chance, if any, of my recovery. At that time I had about two weeks' treatment from a Christian Scientist. Later, when I had an attack of another trouble, the family physician was again called, and he kept the case for seven months. I got somewhat better, but said that if I had a relapse it would be fatal. as I had been afflicted for years with heart trouble. During the last month of his treatment I did have a relapse, and kept getting worse until I asked for help of a Christian Scientist. I was then unable to sit up for more than a very few minutes at a time, but in three days after receiving the first treatment I walked about a mile,—something I had been unable to do for months,—and in about three months the entire disorder—heart trouble, growth in side, and all—had disappeared, and I am now perfectly well.

Julia E. Moon, Frankfort, Ind.

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Testimony of Healing
I feel that I have already waited too long before expressing...
January 26, 1907

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