For two years I was in poor health, suffering from kidney...

For two years I was in poor health, suffering from kidney and stomach trouble, etc., until I became very much emaciated, and in this low state a throat trouble developed which was finally diagnosed by a specialist as of a very serious nature. A little later another physician told me that the same trouble had affected one of my lungs. Change of climate was recommended, and within a few weeks I went to Denver, Colorado, where I placed myself under a physician's care. In a short time I also employed a specialist, who advised me to arrange for spending the remainder of my days on a Colorado ranch. Soon after receiving this advice, a man told me something about Christian Science and invited me to attend a Wednesday night meeting. I accepted his invitation, and was so impressed by the testimonies given at the meeting that I continued to attend the services until I had faith enough to try Christian Science for myself. I began taking treatment, and within a few weeks I returned to my home in this city somewhat proved. I then began taking Christian Science treatment from a practitioner here, and continued until I was healed. The moral regeneration which Christian Science has brought about has made me in every sense "a new creature." This occurred in 1902, since which time I have had no return of these troubles, and have been strong and healthy.

W. P. Handly, Nashville, Tenn.

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Testimony of Healing
From childhood, until after gaining some understanding...
January 26, 1907

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