The Commission which for six months has been studying postal conditions, giving hearings in New York and Washington, will ask Congress for authority to conduct a far broader investigation and in the mean time will positively reject the recommendation of Third Assistant Postmaster General Madden that the rate on second-class matter be raised to four cents a pound.
Fear, error, evil, sin, as experienced by humanity, are generally admitted to be mental, and are so considered in their treatment in Christian Science.
At the request of the Christian Scientists the Jewish congregation has granted the use of their temple to the afore-mentioned society, free of all charge, for an indefinite period.
The picture of The Mother Church which The Christian Science Publishing Society now has for sale is a half-tone reproduction, 12 x 15 inches in size, of a view giving the St.
of the crowning moments of the Master's earthly career was that in which, having been awakened by a clamor of tempest and of fear, he spoke to the raging elements about him, and immediately there was a great calm.
this season, when thought turns so naturally to Christ Jesus, we remember with love and gratitude that he was the first to awaken the true sense of man's possiblities as a spiritual being.
with contributions from Alice Haydon Jones, Ellen Bentinck-Beach, Fannie L. Bonner, Katharine M. Pyne, Louise Rittner, Paul Rittner, Harriet K. Scott, Margaret Hall, Edward H. Carman, George W. Norton
I first heard of Christian Science twenty years ago, and from curiosity obtained the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
A little over two years ago I was in an almost helpless condition, having been obliged, several months previous, to resign my position as a commercial traveler on account of a paralytic trouble.
The earthquake and conflagration in this city of San Franciso has brought me such a lesson, through the understanding of Christian Science, that I feel I must make it public.
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with contributions from Alice Haydon Jones, Ellen Bentinck-Beach, Fannie L. Bonner, Katharine M. Pyne, Louise Rittner, Paul Rittner, Harriet K. Scott, Margaret Hall, Edward H. Carman, George W. Norton