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Fifteen years ago Christian Science was first brought...
Fifteen years ago Christian Science was first brought to my attention through some of its literature. A few months later a practitioner located here, and as I was tired of drugs I ventured to take treatment for severe neuralgic attacks, bleeding piles, and uterine trouble. All these ailments yielded to the treatment, and in a few weeks I was not only well but strong, and have remained so. The spiritual uplifting which came with this healing has been worth more than all else to me. I procured a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, also a Quarterly, and began the study of the Bible in this new way. The knowledge of Truth thus gained proved to be a great help in supporting and educating my children. It turned sorrow into joy, induced praise instead of melancholy, taught me to be grateful even for trials and persecutions, as they forced me to seek God as all-in-all.
The Bible, the works of our beloved Leader, and the Christian Science publications are my constant companions. My gratitude for Christian Science will be best expressed by striving to let my life be one continual prayer, a manifestation of the Life divine.
Mrs. Jennie S. Stewart, Crawford, Neb.
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August 18, 1906 issue
View Issue-
Patient Continuance in Well Doing
Little Things
An Answer to Criticisms
Alfred Farlow
A Church By-law
A Helpful Letter
Augusta E. Stetson
A Manly Apology
Archibald McLellan
Letters from ex-Governor Rollins
with contributions from Frank W. Rollins
The New Street Improvements
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Marcia B. Wilson, Emma Easton Newman, John H. Williams, Jeanie C. F. Andrews, Annie M. Knott
From infancy I was considered delicate, and I have no...
A. B. Coffroth
I was an invalid for several years before coming to...
Louise M. Noel
It is with a heart full of gratitude that I write of what...
Viola E. Devault
It is with a heart full of love and gratitude that I tell...
Jessie Elizabeth Wood
In February, 1905, I had a severe attack of the grip...
M. J. Maulding
It is with the deepest and sincerest gratitude that I testify...
Minnie Thorogood
After suffering for the past four years with every form...
Ellen Bujac Diffenderffer
Fifteen years ago Christian Science was first brought...
Jennie S. Stewart
Christian Science has done what nothing else could do...
J. G. Toeller with contributions from H. E. Gans
At-One With Thee
with contributions from William B. Johnson
From our Exchanges
with contributions from Lloyd G. Knight