Christian Science
has been revealed in this age to carry on to its completion the work begun by Christ Jesus; namely, the redemption of mankind from their belief in evil, not alone through faith in the great Teacher, but through their own understanding and demonstration of the Christ-truth.
night, as I glanced from my window, my attention was attracted by a bright star, shining so clearly from out the surrounding darkness, that I stopped to take a longer look at it; and as I gazed, I thought how much more beautiful every object in the universe becomes to us after we begin to understand spiritual reality, than when we believed them to be material.
the oasis in the desert refreshes the weary traveler, cools the parched tongue, and slakes the burning thirst, imparting new energy and courage to press onward, so the words of truth spoken by Jesus were the fountain in the desert to my weary sense at one time.
One of the citizens of Hoboken, who is a believer in results obtained by Christian Scientists, takes exception to the sermon preached Sunday by the rector of St.
A local minister in his sermon yesterday brought out forcefully the fact that ninety per cent of present-day church work is merely preparation for Christian service.
This letter, if it aims to be at all complete in chronicling the chief ecclesiastical events of the past quarter, can hardly omit the opening of the magnificent cathedral erected by the Christian Scientists at a cost of two million dollars.
The following correspondence between the Countess Fanny von Moltke of Frankfurt, Germany, wife of the present head of the famous German family which gave the fatherland one of its most distinguished warriors in Field Marshal von Moltke, <em class="footnote d-none" title="*"><em class="footnote d-none" title="*">A correction was made in the December 15, 1906 Sentinel: "In copying from the <em>Concord Monitor</em> &amp;nbsp;the correspondence between Mrs.
Jesus was seized by the servants of those who had conspired for his betrayal, one of the disciples drew his sword and cut off an ear of a servant of the high priest.
account given in the 9th chapter of John of the healing of one who had been born blind, is peculiarly interesting in that it sets forth the vital purpose of the Master's work, and also because it marks an era in his ministry.
Having many times received encouragement and help from the testimonies in our periodicals, I desire to make grateful acknowledgment of what Christian Science has done for me.
From childhood I was subject to colds in the head, and early in 1903 I was confined to the house with what seemed to be the grip accompanied with a bowel trouble.
When I first heard of Christian Science and had seen some of the effects of knowing the truth in people around me, I was troubled with a desire for intoxicants, and finally decided to go to a practitioner in order to be relieved of it.
About seventeen years ago an attack of grip developed into rheumatic trouble, and a specialist said there was no help for me, that I could never again do a day's work.
My gratitude grows daily for the understanding I have of Christian Science, whereby I am being healed of disagreeable traits and faults in my disposition.
About twelve years ago, while climbing a tree in quest of some young owls which I wanted for pets, I was badly scratched by the parent bird, so that my eyes were seriously injured.
It is with an honest desire to express my gratitude to God for the blessings I have received through the study of the Bible and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
Not as a criticism of prevalent teaching but as a means of emphasizing the messages given, attention is called to a significant Biblical word for salvation—health.
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