my limited knowledge of Christian Science and its teachings, nothing has impressed me more, or with greater favor, than its construction of the words and meaning of the Lord's Prayer.
the wonderful facts of Christian Science first became evident to me, and while trying to understand that the unseen things were the real and that substance was in the things hoped for, I happened to read one of the works of the great French astronomer, Camille Flammarion, and I found it most helpful in many ways.
at work removing the winter's covering of leaves and straw from flower beds and vines, I found in my wildflower corner this beautiful spring greeting: a single hepatica one of the earliest of the spring flowers, tired of its imprisonment among layers of leaves, had forced itself in its efforts for liberation, through six tough brown leaves.
The help obtained from a change of environment or of sensations is from its inherent nature temporary, and sooner or later the patient must meet the problem again, as the fundamental error has not been overcome, nor can such assistance permanently change a man's moral nature.
It is the practice of all true Christian Scientists to be charitable and forgiving towards all men, even to those who misunderstand and misrepresent their religion, knowing that this misunderstanding can be better overcome by a kindly presentation of facts, than by taking up the sword of hostile argument.
with contributions from J. D. Works, Tina Ward, Fichte
First Church of Christ, Scientist, has purchased two lots on the corner of Sixteenth and Wall Streets at a cost of seventeen hundred dollars, and the members are busily at work raising funds with which to erect a church which they are determined shall be a credit to their faith as well as to the city.
history of ethical movements is usually the chronicle of a body of earnest adherents to some vital idea who band themselves together for its advancement.
On the night of September 16, 1896, while at work in the lead and zinc mines of this place, another man and myself were being hoisted out of the shaft at midnight.
The blessings and benefits I have received from Christian Science are so many and so beautiful, that I could never give full expression of my gratitude for its great truth.
It is now over a year since I have been in Science, trusting Truth and Love to sustain me, and finding that I no longer need the medicine to which I was for years before a slave.
Some years ago, while laboring under a very dark cloud, with health wrecked, with a confused mentality, and with absolutely no hope left of ever realizing freedom from this bondage of sense, God sent His messenger of love, bearing the glad tidings of Christian Science into our troubled home.
For ten years I suffered with muscular rheumatism and palpitation of the heart so that I had to stay in bed four weeks at a time, and could not turn over one way or the other without taking hold of the bed-post.
The old idea of heaven as a place to be admitted to, and of hell as a place to shun, has largely given way in the minds of Christian believers to the better idea of heaven as signifying a heavenly condition and of hell as expressing the inner state of the sinner who persistently and flagrantly violates the laws of his being and disregards those divine precepts which are designed, through compliance with them, to make the life prosperous and happy.
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