Acting Secretary Loomis has been notified by the Russian Charge d' Affaires that hereafter passports issued to American citizens who expect to visit Russia will be vised only at the Russian embassy in Washington and the consulates in New York, Chicago, and San Francisco.
which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;.
hope of gain and the fear of loss are ever restless thoughts which give mankind but little peace, for no material conditions have been found that can satisfy the one or subdue the other.
that great Teacher whose inspired words are the rock upon which Christianity is built, said in his greatest discourse, which really covers all questions regarding salvation and proper living, "Judge not, that ye be not judged.
is impossible to estimate the amount of good that is being accomplished by the Board of Lectureship in correcting the misapprehensions about Christian Science, and at the same time bringing to public notice the grandeur and sublimity of Christianity and its efficacy in dealing with sin and disease.
mundane ties bide here their hour and go,And earthly friendships find their eventide; Life's sun, to seeming, sets on all below, Yet shines again, with shadows scattered wide.
To admit that many are healed by Christian Science of functional disorders, but claim that any "disease that involved the change or waste of tissue" has not been cured, is absurd, for there is an abundance of as conclusive evidence of the healing of organic and malignant diseases by Christian Science as there is of functional disorders.
No one who has sat beside those whose cases have been abandoned as hopeless by material means, and has seen the fever fade from the face, the breathing become regular, and the suffering vanish under the benign influence of Christian Science prayer, no one who has witnessed the frequently instantaneous resuscitations of such patients by their deliverance from the curse of fear, and has been privileged to receive their deep-felt gratitude, could ever again be induced to speak slightingly of the "denial of evil.
To those who have not been close observers of the gradual trend of thought and events in Baltimore, the rapid progress made by Christian Science in this city during the past few years comes as a somewhat startling surprise.
Lloyd B. Coate
with contributions from Michael Angelo
The testimony of unnumbered people who have read Science and Health, who through its teachings have been healed of diseases that medicine failed to relieve, and who through its teachings have learned to love the Bible, and to make it their daily companion, to have increased confidence in God and a greater desire to walk in the footsteps of Christ, weighs mightily against misinterpreting critics, and should serve as a rebuke to one who fails to see that which has brought so much peace and happiness to others.
essential postulate of Christian Science is that it involves the healing of the sick as well as the reforming of the sinner,—that the teachings of Jesus contemplated deliverance from both sickness and sin; and it is because Christian Scientists believe that salvation from both sin and sickness are equally possible at this time through the teachings of our Master, that they are pronounced unwise and impracticable.
this time of the year Nature is whispering to us of fulfilment through garnered grain and ripening fruits which in the springtime were folded up in sweet promise.
Canon Henson
of Westminster Abbey has recently said that the church has no right to withhold the sacrament from any Christian man who lives a consistent life and who has fulfilled the apostolic requirements of faith and baptism; "members of Christ's mystical body they are; and how can they be refused permission to affirm the fact?
As usual in Oriental countries, the admirable works constructed in ancient times for the water-supply of Jerusalem were long ago allowed to fall into a lamentable state of disrepair.
Church Manual, in "A Rule for Motives and Acts," bids us : "Daily watch and pray to be delivered from all evil, from prophesying, judging, condemning, counseling, influencing or being influenced, erroneously.
W. A. Reed
with contributions from Sarah E. Morrison
I wish to take this early opportunity of expressing my deep and sincere gratitude for the latest gift from our Leader; namely, the Concordance to Science and Health.
I was
bicycling along a hot and dusty road, and trying to overcome as I went along a feeling of depression and weariness which had hung over me all day.
only you'll think of it, dearie, When people are vexing and rude, And be pleasant for two, When one's scolding at you, You will conquer the contrary mood.
E. A. Johnson
with contributions from Minnie P. Good
I feel that should I defer longer to write of the wonderful benefits received through Christian Science, I might seem to be wanting in gratitude to God, to our dear Leader, Mrs.
capita taxes, contributions to the Mother Church, or contributions to the Building Fund, should be sent by check, post-office money order, or express money order.
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