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Activities for the Armed Services
Christian Science Activities for the Armed Services continually receives reports of service personnel who have averted accidents or been protected from the dangerous effects of accidents as the result of prayer and spiritually alert thinking. Illustrative of this point is the experience of a Christian Science Representative in the Armed Services who was flying in an Air Force plane at forty thousand feet over the state of Maine. After instructing a pilot, the Representative left the control cabin and went to the main compartment of the plane. Suddenly he was assailed with strong suggestions of impending disaster. Immediately he denied the suggestions and affirmed that God is Life and that death is no part of being. Through realizing his inseparability from God, he soon regained his composure. About fifteen or twenty minutes later he learned that the plane had been wonderfully kept from colliding with a B—52 bomber a short time before.
That Christian Science is available to heal when accidents occur is seen in the experience of a serviceman in Germany. On the first day of leave he broke his ankle and suffered other injuries. Within minutes a Christian Science Minister for the Armed Services was called to give help. Having been reared in Christian Science, the serviceman decided to rely radically on Science for his healing and was fully supported in this stand by the Minister.
The first two days after the accident the serviceman suffered considerably and had alarming symptoms. After forty-eight hours, the pain ceased, the discoloration and swelling began to decrease, and the evidence of a break disappeared.
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April 10, 1965 issue
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Let It Not Be Said, "She was a widow"
The Oil of Consecration
"'Tis what I know of Thee"
Jean Elsie Sanders
Talking with God
"Whom seekest thou?"
The Singing Hills and Mountains
Exercising One's Spiritual Sense
Ralph E. Wagers
Emanation, Not Organism
Carl J. Welz
Some years ago my stepfather...
Alice Searles
In the latter part of 1931 I was...
Cyril H. Butler
I wish to express my sincere...
Olive B. Hutchison
I should like to express my...
Evelyn L. Korp
At one time I had been a pupil...
David Douglas Mann
I grew up a frail, nervous person,...
Joan Elizabeth Locke
I feel that the time has come...
Gertrud Büttner
Signs of the Times
Ashley Montagu