My husband and I are grateful...

My husband and I are grateful that our four children are being taught in a Christian Science Sunday School the true relationship of God and man. They are learning that God is the giver of all good and that man is His beloved heir, spiritual and perfect. They are being encouraged to prove in all their activities that limiting human beliefs have no power and that right thinking brings healing and harmony.

In the sincere hope that this testimony will help to uplift and restore others as our family has been made whole and happy, I should like to relate the following experience.

One Christmas Eve, while I was lifting from the oven a large baking dish, heavy with poultry in boiling fat, the dish slipped and tilted, spilling the fat halfway down one leg and liberally over one of my feet, which were bare. The leg was badly scalded, but instantly the words, "yet in my flesh shall I see God" (Job 19:26), came to me; and they sustained me for over an hour, during which time I was able to attend to my household duties, though with difficulty.

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Testimony of Healing
I wish to express my gratitude...
May 12, 1962

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