I am so grateful to be a student...

I am so grateful to be a student of Christian Science. Through radical reliance on its teaching, I have had many healings, both physical and financial. One took place when I was a very new student.

A carbuncle about the size of an egg appeared on my left wrist just at a time when we were moving into our new home. As there seemed to be a great deal to do, my mother-in-law wished to help me. When she came that morning, the cloth I had on my arm slipped off, and she saw the condition. She became very much disturbed, and during the day she suggested many remedies which she did not consider medicine. I knew her thought was to help, but I was not tempted to use any of them. After she had gone, I had a great urge to destroy the evidence of mortal mind.

I took the Bible and Science and Health and sat down to study. I realized that I did not need time to bring about a healing, that I needed only to understand the reality of my perfection as a child of God.

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Testimony of Healing
Studying Christian Science has...
April 2, 1960

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