is an unalterable law of God, divine Love, that when an individual replaces the false sense of himself and his fellow men with the truth of man's pure, spiritual being as the reflection of God, in spite of all the evidence of the material senses, both he and those concerned are blessed.
is possible to be devout in a religious sense and still not be spiritually minded; yet spiritual-mindedness is the demand of Christianity and so should be the goal of all Christians.
Churches, societies, and college organizations in the United States and Canada wishing to give lectures during the first two months of the next lecture year, namely July and August, 1960, are requested to inform the Board of Lectureship before May 20.
A directory of all Churches of Christ, Scientist, and Christian Science Societies, including the hours of their services and information about their Reading Rooms, appears monthly in The Christian Science Journal.
Payments of per capita tax and contributions, also changes of address, should be sent to Roy Garrett Watson, Treasurer, 107 Falmouth Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts, U.
Christian Science Reading Rooms are havens of spiritual activity, because they are making available to the public the authorized books and periodicals of Christian Science, with their healing, comforting, and redeeming message.
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