teaches that God is All-in-all, the only cause and creator, the source of all good, and that perfect man and the spiritual universe are the orderly and true effect of that cause.
human beings at some time in their experience feel that their peace and happiness have been disturbed or destroyed by the thoughts and actions of others, by individuals expressing selfishness, temper, injustice, domination, ingratitude, and other discordant qualities.
A rich
heritage would be my ownIf I were the loved daughterOf a king;I should not need to see the goldOr touch the jewelsIn the coffers of the kingdom,But ever should be awareOf my father's richesAnd of his tender, constant care.
A meeting to consider and further the mission of Christian Science organizations at colleges and universities, formed in accordance with Article XXIII, Section 8, of the Manual of The Mother Church by Mary Baker Eddy, is planned in Boston for September 3, 4, and 5, 1959.
The following periodicals were founded by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and are published by The Christian Science Publishing Society, One Norway Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts, U.
Speaker: The experience of our guest today presents convincing evidence that there is a power surpassing all human aid — the divine power, ever present and available in all circumstances.
Open house in a Christian Science Reading Room not only inspires and edifies those who attend but also blesses those who have given of their understanding and selfless service in preparation and support of the event.
Through membership in The Mother Church and a branch church and through the daily study of the Bible Lessons from the Christian Science Quarterly, I have found the way to harmonious living.
It is with sincere gratitude to God, the only lawmaker, that I submit my testimony of the healing of a discordant human relationship which was about to culminate in a divorce.
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