[Original testimony in French]

I thank God for all the blessings...

I thank God for all the blessings which have been heaped on me. In difficult situations I have found God an ever-present help.

In 1948 I was seized with violent headaches, and at the same time my sight was so affected that I could hardly see. My wife telephoned to a Christian Science practitioner, who helped me so lovingly that the presence of good was immediately felt. Because of my work, I was obliged to send for a doctor in order to have a medical certificate. I lost no time in informing him of my religious views, and I refused all medicine.

The doctor diagnosed the case as a cerebral hemorrhage. Though he respected my desire to have no material aid, he expected complications. At the end of three weeks I was healed. The doctor congratulated me on my religion and told me that in my case medicine would have had no power.

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Testimony of Healing
We are told in the Bible (Mal. 3:10)...
November 13, 1954

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