Christian Science has made my...

Christian Science has made my world a joyous place instead of a place of worry and fear. Before taking up the study of this wonderful religion I was obsessed with fears of every description. On page 373 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, says, "The fear occasioned by ignorance can be cured." Each day my understanding of Truth becomes greater through persistent study, ignorance of God's bestowals is lessened, and thereby fear is cast out.

Shortly after my earnest study of Science began I desired church membership. Through the work of a Christian Science practitioner I was healed of the cigarette habit of ten years' standing. The temptation of social drinking was also completely removed. Since then when I have associated with people who engaged in social drinking, great respect has been expressed toward me because I did not imbibe.

One of my greatest joys was my freedom from the need of wearing glasses. I had leaned on them as a crutch for eighteen years and feared that if I put them off I would suffer from severe headaches. Through the assistance of a friend, who was well grounded in Christian Science, and my own study of spiritual vision I was healed. References to vision and eyes, found by means of the Concordances to the Bible and to Mrs. Eddy's writings, were most helpful. Later, upon acceptance of a position, I was asked to submit to a physical examination, which included a very thorough eye test. My vision was recorded on my chart as completely normal.

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Testimony of Healing
As a girl I always felt that one...
November 13, 1954

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