For many years the testimonies of...

For many years the testimonies of healing in The Christian Science Journal and Sentinel have blessed, comforted, and encouraged me. Now I should like to give my own with the desire to help someone else as I have been helped.

I have had many healings in Christian Science. Some have been accomplished through my own understanding, while others have come through the help of loving practitioners. One healing, which I experienced some years ago, was that of pains in my limbs and back so severe that I could hardly walk. My work at that time, which required me to be on my feet eight hours a day, was accomplished with great difficulty. Although I daily prayed as we are taught to do in Christian Science and read the Lesson-Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly, the pain did not yield.

A practitioner helped me to gain more understanding of God and of man's relationship to Him. Gradually more light dawned in my consciousness, and the pain began to subside. My attention was called to these words of Mrs. Eddy's in Science and Health, which helped me to realize the unreality of matter (p. 84): "To understand that Mind is infinite, not bounded by corporeality, not dependent upon the ear and eye for sound or sight nor upon muscles and bones for locomotion, is a step towards the Mind-science by which we discern man's nature and existence." When this powerful truth became firmly established in my consciousness, I was completely healed.

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Signs of the Times
October 3, 1953

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