is no moreAs this day wraps around meThe sweet serenity and utter joyThat follows work well done,The quiet consciousness of heart content,The memory of past precious hours spentIn earnest seeking what His will decreed,In glorifying Him in word, in thought, in deed.
when my brother comes to me in pain,Wounded by that sharp two-edged sword, the tongue,When human sympathies have all proved vain,And still with tattered pride his heart is hung—Then show me how to speak to him that WordQuicker and sharper than the two-edged sword.
importance of understanding the character of divinity is seen when someone is healed at his first inkling that God does not send evil to humanity or even permit it, since He is infinite good.
The following periodicals were founded by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and are published by The Christian Science Publishing Society, One, Norway Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts, U.
It is with the deepest sense of gratitude for the good that has come to me and my family through the study and application of Christian Science that this testimony is written.
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