[Of Special Interest to Children]

Carl was seven years old, and one of his favorite games was playing explorer in the woods that surrounded his new home. Here he saw ever so many things that were new to him, and he brought back some exciting treasures for his room. One day, however, he became so interested in his exploring that he went deep into the woods, farther than he had ever gone before. And when he realized what had happened, he found himself in a swamp. His feet sank deeper and deeper into the muddy water with every step he took, and he did not know which way to turn. He felt alone and afraid.

Then Carl remembered what he had learned in the Christian Science Sunday School which he attended. He was not alone. God, divine Love, was with him and would show him the way out. So he closed his eyes and became very still, knowing that God would surely direct him. When he opened his eyes, there at his feet was a narrow path, where the ground was firm. It had been there all the time, but Carl had not seen it because he had been blinded by fear. He stayed on the path which divine Love had pointed out to him and very soon found himself safely out of the swamp. Then joyously he ran home to tell his mother what had happened.

That night Carl became frightened again because he did not feel well, and error suggested that he might not be able to go to school the next day. His mother assured him, as she sat down on the bed beside him, that they could get rid of this fear right away. Then she asked him what he had done when he had been lost in the swamp that afternoon. He told her again that he had been quiet for a few minutes and asked God to show him the way out of the swamp and that then he had seen the little path which led him out of the muddy water.

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April 7, 1951

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