In May, 1941, only a few...

In May, 1941, only a few months after leaving a Christian Science Sunday School which I had been attending for about three years, I found myself on a troopship bound for Egypt and the Western Desert. Though as a boy I had always been susceptible to fears of every description, divine Love met all my needs before I asked, and from the moment that I left home I never felt any trace of fear or separation; on the contrary, my heart was constantly filled with that joy which accompanies the certain sense that God is ever present.

Only once throughout the nine weeks' voyage, which to mortal sense seemed anything but harmonious, did discord come near my consciousness. On one occasion, when everyone was suffering from dysentery, I suddenly felt very sick and hungry. I did not seem able to pray for myself, and no Christian Scientist was present to help me. Suddenly these words came to me (Poems by Mrs. Eddy, p. 7):

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Testimony of Healing
How empty would my life be...
December 17, 1949

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