patiently and learn the pathThat all must take;Then silently, with footsteps swift,Old ways forsakeAnd see unfoldment clear and pure,The Father's plan complete, secure.
Christian Science
teaches how all may prove the ever-availability of spiritual power and abundance, which it reveals as the heritage of the man of God's creating.
stars were bright above Judean hillsIn that hushed hour before the dark gave way;And one moved low across the vales and rillsTo mark the place where little Jesus lay.
who yields to the revelations of Christian Science treasures the true concept of Deity as one infinite, self-contained Being, one all-embracing divine Mind, which is good.
The following periodicals were founded by Mary Baker Eddy and are published by The Christian Science Publishing Society, One, Norway Street, Boston 15.
On page 127 of the Church Manual our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, has set forth the Order of Exercises for the Christian Science Sunday School, and in Article XX of the Manual she provides for the instruction which shall be given.
Too long have I delayed in acknowledging the blessings received from the application of Christian Science and in expressing the gratitude I have in my heart for our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, for giving this wonderful revelation to the world.
Years before my introduction to Christian Science, all my faith in and adherence to the prevailing views of Christianity had been completely shaken by one who called himself an infidel, who asked me how I could profess to love God, when God sent sickness and death to His creation to punish them.
As I came to young womanhood, I was constantly searching for a better understanding of God, the church in which I had been reared having failed to supply this need.
In May, 1941, only a few months after leaving a Christian Science Sunday School which I had been attending for about three years, I found myself on a troopship bound for Egypt and the Western Desert.
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