Some years ago I was learning...

Some years ago I was learning all I could about beekeeping. I had a small apiary myself, and each year the provincial inspector would visit and inspect all colonies for a supposedly infectious and contagious disease. I would volunteer each year to go with him, looking for the supposed disease, and I could detect it very quickly. Since I have come into Christian Science I have had a very different outlook. Somebody said: "Why look for disease? Why not look for perfection?" I do not look for imperfection anymore, and I have not found any bad condition in my own apiary. Now I look for good, and I certainly get what I am looking for. Mrs. Eddy says (Science and Health, p. 239), "The perfect Mind sends forth perfection, for God is Mind."'

I have had healings of hernia, a broken toe, and the use of tobacco, and I am always receiving proofs of God's ever-present protection through my understanding of Christian Science.

I am grateful for the privilege of membership in The Mother Church and in a branch church, as well as for class instruction. I am indeed humbly grateful to God for Christian Science.—Ernest Bouchard, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

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Testimony of Healing
The recent years have been for...
February 14, 1948

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